Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fun on a Tuesday

Fun on a Tuesday

Just over a year ago I was asked by a group of teacher friends to attend the “FUN” concert. I was all about spending the weekend three hours away in Charleston. Then I found out the concert was on a TUESDAY! Over the years I have turned into an old lady. I blame it on starting my teaching career early.  I started teaching at age twenty-two; many students in my class were just three years younger. I felt I needed to be mature to get respect from them.  I worried about being seen out in public with even a glass of wine. I said no to invitations from friends that would mean I would risk being in the vicinity of my teenage students. When my students asked my age I jokingly told them I was forty. Ten years later I’m starting to realize that my definition of “mature” may have been closer to the definition for BORING.  The ladies that asked me to go to see FUN on a Tuesday night are all older than me. They are mature, respectable women and they were more than ready to drive three hours each way to go to a concert on a Tuesday. Why wasn’t I? If you would have invited me in college or high school I wouldn’t have hesitated. What has changed? I had so much FUN on that Tuesday. Why must we reserve having a good time for a Friday or Saturday night? After all “we are young so lets set this world on fire.” Since this blog is about me living a truer more full life, I named it in honor of that night.

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